written by Yuiji Calleja, Participant to USA
“Hello, I’m Yuji and from Little Rock, Arkansas. I want to tell a short story about my different experience.
When I arrived in Arkansas the first thing I did is to go to my host school the Arkansas School for the Deaf and I was able to meet new friends.
During my stay, I was hosted by an African American single mom named Pamela Baldwin, who taught me a lot of things.
My favorite American foods are hamburger, fries, chicken, and catfish, and sometimes I tried to eat Mexican foods.
I’ve to learn a lot of things about American culture and school behavior. Also, I’ve met and made good friends in our school because of sports, the deaf community and the old people.

My favorite sports are basketball and football, which I play with my friends. Quarterback and Wide receiver were my position player in football. Unexpectedly, I got an award for All-Tournament Basketball.

I have fun doing this year because of the people I’ve met and helped me”.